Nightfall Defenders
Nightfall Defenders (2024) is a 2D Tower Defense game made by team Sea Bunny at P1 Games. The game consists of defeating creatures of the night seeking to destroy your tower in the forest. This is the third project I've been involved with, and I was happy to contribute to the spooky, puppet style of the game.
A rough concept closer to the final version of the werewolf.
Initial concept of werewolf design, one of the enemies in game. Was changed to be more family-friendly and simple.
Rough initial concept of the ghost, another enemy in game. It was also revised later on to be cuter.
Concept art of potential characters. The design in the middle was used for the main character model.
Rough gameplay concept.
Final losing screen.
Scrapped losing screen UI and initial sketch of winning screen.
Final winning screen.
Cutscenes in game before gameplay begins.
Final title screen.
Game menu with buttons for weapons, traps and tower health bar.
Restart, settings, and quit button.
Zombie puppet model.
Wolf puppet model.
Player puppet model.
Wolf puppet face frames for blinking.
Bow arrow.
Crossbow arrow.
Holy water balloon.
Holy water potion.
Firing holy water balloon cannon frames and animation.
Bear trap open and closed.
Anvil falling frames and animation.
Tower model in game.